Also known as TT Rock Stars, this successful online platform allows children to practice their multiplication knowledge and their corresponding division facts in a fun and exciting way.
What is TT Rock Stars?
Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced program of daily times tables practice. Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practiced every third week or so. This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 14,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide.
How do we use it at JWJS?
Every child has their own unique login, which can be requested from Class Teachers and children are encouraged to access TT Rock Stars on a regular basis. As a school we hold our own tournaments against classes and year groups each term. The children really enjoy it and we celebrate those who do well in our tournaments as part of our celebration assemblies.
To access TT Rock Stars please click here.