On joining JWJS, each pupil is enrolled into one of four houses:
Rose (England - red)
Thistle (Scotland - blue)
Daffodil (Wales - yellow)
Shamrock (Northern Ireland – green)
The position of Sport Captain is highly regarded within the school. They must be passionate about sport and have represented
the school competing plus attend sports clubs that are run within school. The role has many fun activities but also some that are not!
Responsibilities include:
- To be role model to others in the school in regards to sporting etiquette, motivation, inspiration, organisation and inclusion.
- To help organise and lead activities, competitions and clubs when required.
- To attend sports clubs in school.
- Take a prominent part in school assemblies.
- Advise, support and encourage younger pupils.
- Keep both the store cupboard and sports sheds tidy.
- Collect and monitor the play equipment.
- Maintain the sports display on the playground.
- Support events at Sports Day