PTA at Joydens Wood Junior School
As a PTA, we play a very active role in supporting the school. All parents, carers and staff are automatically members. The PTA aims to encourage good relations between staff, parents, carers and others associated with the school to support, as well as advance the education for the pupils who attend it. The objectives of the PTA are: to organise
We are always looking for input and suggestions on what else we can do to support our school. If you have any comments or ideas, we can be contacted either via our Facebook page JWJS PTA or you can leave a note in our PTA post box which is located next to the school office door. Alternatively, you can leave a message with Mrs Springford, the Office Manager, and one of our committee members will contact you.
Registered Charity
The Charities Act 1993 requires
Click here to see a copy of the PTA signed constitution.
How we raise money
Throughout the academic year, the PTA arranges a variety of events which raises money for the school and, just as importantly, these events enable pupils, parents/carers and staff to have some fun together. The activities that are held during the year normally include a Christmas event, Summer Fair, Inflatables Afternoon, Discos, Ice Skating, Mothers/Fathers Day Gift Sale, as well as lots more. All events rely on the generous support of parents/carers and everyone is most welcome to participate in anyway they can.
Once we have banked the money raised, the PTA Committee meet with the Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher to decide where the money is going to be spent.
We have recently purchased: