This year there is a workbook for English and Maths for each child, which is set in line with the national curriculum expectations for each year group.
Homework will be set every Friday and due in on the following Wednesday. We expect the books to return to school with our children by the Wednesday so this can be marked with the class teacher.
If a child finds the work set challenging, then the class teacher will set different work, which will come home in a separate exercise book.
The homework that is set will either be a revision or an extension of what has been covered that week in class. It is to ensure those skills and knowledge taught are reinforced and can be applied in a different content outside of the class.
Teachers will place a message on Class Dojo each Friday explaining which pages your child should do.
We are delighted to share with you that both Joydens Wood Infant and Junior Schools have been working collaboratively in order to transform our ‘Spelling Offer’ and we have decided to move forward with a new programme called Spelling Shed.
Spelling Shed is a highly recognised programme nationally and many schools have seen very positive results. We will be rolling this out after half term and each school will send out login details separately.
We are excited to share that the spelling progression will feed across the two schools, meaning that when your child leaves the infant school all of their spelling data will be transferred to the junior school.